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Siti Non AAMS - Migliori Siti Casino & Scommesse 2024

AM Europe

Sono sempre di più gli utenti italiani che scelgono di scommettere sui cosiddetti siti non AAMS. Questi concessionari operano con licenze internazionali e garanwtiscono l’accesso a generosi bonus senza deposito, a più metodi di pagamento, e a dei giochi che sui siti AAMS solitamente non si trovano. Chiunque sia alla ricerca di siti di scommesse legali in Italia seppur al di fuori della normativa AAMS, in questa guida andremo proprio a fornire una panoramica sui migliori operatori di questo genere. Tabe di Siti Non AAMS & Casino non AAMS Perché gli Italiani Scelgono i Bookmaker Non AAMS Gli italiani scelgono i siti non AAMS per tante motivazioni differenti, che si rifanno principalmente a ciò che riguarda le promozioni, alla selezione di giochi e prodotti disponibili e alla struttura di diverse funzionalità delle piattaforme stesse. Bonus più generosi Meno restrizioni Ampia varietà giochi Programmi VIP esclusivi Tornei giornalieri Lista dei Migliori Siti non AAMS Panoramica Di seguito, proponiamo una lista di quelli che a nostro parere sono i migliori siti non AAMS, con tanto di descrizione dei punti di forza di ciascuno: HappySlots: Questo casinò rappresenta il paradiso per gli amanti delle slot machine, in quanto propone una selezione capace di abbracciare migliaia di titoli differenti. I giocatori possono quindi esplorare una miriade di temi e funzionalità all’interno di HappySlots, portale capace di far provare sempre qualcosa di nuovo ai propri utenti, soprattutto grazie alle frequenti aggiunte di titoli originali. WildTokyo: Perfetto per chi cerca dell’adrenalina su base quotidiana, questo casinò online si ditingue per offrire promozioni e gare con premi che vengono assegnati ogni giorno; infatti, all’interno di questo portale vengono proposte giornalmente nuove sfide e bonus che rendono l’esperienza di gioco sempre dinamica e ricca di opportunità da cogliere per usufruire di ricompense extra. ProntoBet: Con un palinsesto sportivo che non ha nulla da invidiare ai principali bookies mondiali, ProntoBet è sicuramente il sito ideale per gli appassionati di scommesse sportive. L’offerta di ProntoBet copre tutti gli eventi sportivi globali e consente agli utenti di scommettere su una vasta gamma di discipline con quote molto competitive. Winsane: Questo portale è rinomato per il suo eccellente e ben strutturato programma fedeltà; grazie a quest’ultimo, i giocatori più assidui possono beneficiare di bonus esclusivi e trattamenti VIP personalizzati che vanno a premiare la loro fedeltà con vantaggi unici e premi assegnati su misura. Cashwin: Con un’offerta che prevede la fruizione costante di nuove promozioni per nuovi iscritti e utenti già registrati, Cashwin è senza dubbio l’ideale per chi ama passare il proprio tempo nel tentativo di sfruttare al meglio dei bonus vantaggiosi. Le promozioni disponibili sono generose e spesso sono pensate per incrementare percentualmente i fondi di gioco che vengono depositati in maniera davvero significativa. Quickwin: La punta di diamante di Quickwin è costituita dalla lounge dedicata al casinò live, in cui è possibile trovare tutti i giochi con croupier dal vivo. Gli amanti dell’interattività e della dinamicità del casinò potranno trovare un’ampia selezione di titoli in grado di ricreare fedelmente l’ambiente di un casinò reale, soprattutto grazie alla qualità dei giochi offerti. Perchè gli Italiani scelgono i Siti non AAMS Come detto in precedenza, i siti non AAMS stanno rapidamente guadagnando popolarità tra gli scommettitori italiani, poiché offrono una serie di vantaggi che superano quelli dei bookmaker regolamentati dall’AAMS. Grazie a bonus mediamente più generosi, metodi di pagamento che includono anche le criptovalute e selezioni di giochi più estese, questi siti stanno diventando sempre più gettonati. Qui sotto abbiamo preparato un elenco di motivi, dettagliati uno per uno, per i quali gli utenti si stanno spostando sempre più verso queste alternative ai casinò online tradizionali. Bonus e promozioni: I siti non AAMS propongono bonus più generosi rispetto alle controparti regolate dall’AAMS e spesso assicurano anche giri gratuiti e bonus senza deposito che sono sempre molto graditi a tutti gli utenti; Metodi di pagamento: I siti non AAMS supportano molti altri metodi di pagamento come le criptovalute oltre alle opzioni più classiche come possono essere le carte di credito e i portafogli elettronici; Selezione di giochi: Offrendo una gamma di giochi da casinò tendenzialmente più ampia rispetto ai casinò normali, i siti non AAMS si fanno preferire per la maggiore varietà a cui gli utenti possono avere accesso; Licenze e sicurezza: Pur non regolamentati dall'AAMS, i siti non AAMS possiedono licenze internazionali, assicurando elevati standard di sicurezza e protezione per dati personali e transazioni finanziarie. Supporto clienti: Il supporto multilingue dei siti non AAMS, solitamente disponibile tramite chat live, email e telefono, garantisce assistenza immediata che permette di risolvere ogni tipologia di problema efficientemente. Pro e Contro dei Siti Non AAMS Pro: Ampia gamma di bonus, varietà di giochi, flessibilità nei pagamenti e meno restrizioni. Contro: Il servizio clienti di queste piattaforme a volte potrebbe tardare più del dovuto nelle risposte. Cos'è un sito di scommesse sportive non AAMS? Un sito di scommesse sportive non AAMS è una piattaforma che opera senza la licenza italiana rilasciata dall’Agenzia delle Dogane e dei Monopoli, ma che possiede comunque una attestazione internazionale. Questi siti consentono agli utenti di piazzare scommesse sempre sulla maggioranza degli eventi sportivi internazionali, ma offrendo un numero di mercati che generalmente va oltre a quello proposto dai siti AAMS; infatti, come abbiamo già sottolineato, le piattaforme non AAMS sono note per avere regole meno rigide sotto tutti i punti di vista, il che significa spesso limiti di scommessa più alti, bonus più generosi e metodi di pagamento più variegati. Come registrarsi nei Siti non AAMS Registrarsi su un sito di scommesse non AAMS spesso passa da un processo più rapido rispetto a quello che si deve affrontare all’interno dei casinò tradizionali, grazie a procedure meno rigide in termini di raccolta dati. In molti casi, i siti non AAMS consentono di registrarsi con metodi alternativi come Google o Apple ID, in modo da abbattere le tempistiche necessarie per creare un nuovo conto di gioco. Inoltre, al posto della classica procedura di convalida obbligatoria dei documenti entro 30 giorni, come richiesto dai casinò AAMS per evitare la sospensione del conto, i siti non AAMS adottano procedure di Know Your Customer (KYC) meno invasive; questo significa che, anche se il processo di KYC non viene portato a termine correttamente, l'utente può comunque accedere liberamente a tutte le funzionalità del casinò ad eccezione dei prelievi, che vengono resi disponibili solo dopo aver completato questa procedura. Visitare il sito scelto: La prima cosa da fare è recarsi nella homepage del sito di scommesse non AAMS; Cliccare su "Registrati": Successivamente, bisogna cliccare sul pulsante di registrazione che è solitamente piazzato in alto a destra nella pagina principale del sito; Compilare il modulo: Arrivati qui, toccherà all’inserimento dei propri dati personali, come nome, cognome, indirizzo email e numero di telefono; alcuni siti potrebbero richiedere anche la creazione di un nome utente; Verificare l'account: Infine, bisognerà inviare una copia dei documenti richiesti per la verifica dell'identità, passaggio fondamentale per sbloccare la possibilità di effettuare dei prelievi. Giochi da casinò disponibili I siti non AAMS sono particolarmente indicati per gli amanti dei giochi del casinò, in quanto spesso e volentieri sono presenti decine di alternative per ciascuna delle categorie di giochi principali. Giochi da tavolo I giochi da tavolo includono grandi classici come blackjack e baccarat, con molte varianti alternative utili per adattarsi a diversi stili di gioco. Slot Dalle slot tradizionali alle video slot con grafiche particolareggiate, queste piattaforme offrono anche titoli con jackpot progressivi capaci di portare a vincite significative. Casinò live Il casinò live offre un'esperienza estremamente realistica con un croupier reale e include tsvoli di giochi come roulette, blackjack e poker dal vivo. Blackjack Il blackjack è disponibile sia offline live, permettendo ai giocatori di scegliere se giocare a delle partite automatizzate o in diretta con dei croupier. Roulette Le varie versioni di roulette includono quella europea, quella americana e quella francese, con sempre diverse opzioni di scommessa disponibili sia virtualmente che live. I casinò non AAMS sono legali in Italia? Sì, i siti non AAMS sono legali anche in Italia nonostante operino tramite delle licenze internazionali, come possono essere quelle rilasciate da Malta o Curaçao, piuttosto che con licenze AAMS. Questo significa che, pur non essendo regolamentati direttamente dal governo italiano, questi portali possono comunque offrire servizi di scommessa e gioco d'azzardo ai residenti in Italia senza alcuna implicazione a livello legale. Per chiudere, pensiamo sia importante ricordare che, nonostante sia sempre garantito che questi casinò operano legalmente, i giocatori dovrebbero sempre verificare la licenza sotto cui il sito opera per assicurarsi che siano protetti e che i loro fondi siano al sicuro. Metodi di deposito e prelievo Spesso, i siti di scommesse non AAMS danno la possibilità agli utenti di prelevare e versare denaro tramite decine di metodi di pagamenti differenti da quelli solitamente messi a disposizione dai concessionari. Queste piattaforme sono ben consapevoli dell'importanza di effettuare transazioni rapide e sicure, e per questo motivo mettono a disposizione diverse opzioni per soddisfare le esigenze di un pubblico internazionale; che si tratti di carte di credito, portafogli elettronici o bonifici bancari, ogni giocatore può trovare il metodo di pagamento che meglio si adatta alle proprie preferenze e necessità. L'inclusione delle criptovalute in alcuni di questi siti rappresenta un ulteriore passo avanti verso la modernizzazione delle operazioni finanziarie, in modo da garantire non solo velocità, ma anche un alto livello di anonimato e sicurezza. Vediamo ora nel dettaglio quali sono le opzioni di pagamento più comuni disponibili sui siti di scommesse non AAMS. Visa: La carte di credito Visa costituiscono uno dei metodi di pagamento più popolari e diffusi nei siti di scommesse AAMS e non. Visa garantisce che le transazioni siano sempre protette da tecnologie avanzate di crittografia, in modo da ridurre al minimo il rischio di frodi. Inoltre, la velocità delle operazioni consente ai giocatori di avere i fondi disponibili immediatamente per scommettere; tuttavia, è bene ricordare che per alcuni siti potrebbero essere applicate commissioni e che i tempi di prelievo potrebbero variare sulla base delle condizioni imposte dal concessionario. Mastercard: Mastercard è un'altra carta di credito largamente accettata all’interno dei siti non AAMS. Anche questa opzione prevede la stessa rapidità nelle transazioni e la protezione dalle frodi grazie all’utilizzo di sistemi di sicurezza piuttosto avanzati; come per Visa, anche con Mastercard si possono incontrare tempi di attesa per i prelievi che variano a seconda del sito, ma la trasparenza delle commissioni e la velocità nelle operazioni hanno reso questo metodo una scelta molto popolare; Paypal: Paypal è uno dei portafogli elettronici più utilizzati nei siti non AAMS e non. La sua popolarità deriva dalla facilità d'uso della sua interfaccia e dalla velocità di evasione delle transazioni, i cui processi permettono ai giocatori di effettuare depositi e prelievi in pochi click e secondi. Inoltre, ricordiamo che Paypal è sinonimo di un ulteriore livello di sicurezza, in quanto funge da intermediario tra il conto bancario del giocatore e il sito senza che le informazioni sensibili vengano mai condivise direttamente con il casinò. Neteller: Neteller è uno dei portafogli elettronici preferiti dai giocatori che utilizzano i siti non AAMS per via della sua alta velocità e semplicità. Le transazioni con Neteller sono quasi istantanee e permettono di trasferire fondi rapidamente, sia per i depositi che per i prelievi. Inoltre, questo portafoglio elettronico assicura un elevato livello di sicurezza, grazie a sistemi di crittografia avanzati. Bonifico bancario: Operare tramite il bonifico bancario rimane un metodo tradizionale, utilizzato soprattutto da chi preferisce trasferire fondi direttamente dal proprio conto corrente senza l'intermediazione di carte o portafogli elettronici. Anche se questo metodo offre un’elevata sicurezza, grazie al sistema bancario regolamentato, i tempi di elaborazione possono essere più lunghi rispetto ad altre opzioni, richiedendo fino a 5 giorni lavorativi per il completamento di qualsiasi tipo di giocata. Bonus e Promozioni sui Siti non AAMS Uno dei motivi principali per cui molti giocatori scelgono i siti non AAMS sta nella generosità e varietà dei bonus e delle promozioni disponibili. Questi casinò offrono promozioni molto più competitive rispetto ai siti regolamentati dall’AAMS, con cifre spesso superiori, bonus senza deposito, e programmi fedeltà più vantaggiosi. Molti siti non AAMS propongono anche promo come i cashback settimanali o mensili, che permettono di vedersi restituita una percentuale delle perdite subite per via delle giocate non vincenti. Infine, i tornei giornalieri e le race con premi extra sono una caratteristica comune, capace di attirare i giocatori con promozioni dinamiche e costanti. Ecco alcune delle offerte più comuni: Free Spins: Si tratta di gratuiti offerti su slot selezionate, ideali per provare nuovi giochi senza rischiare il proprio denaro. Bonus senza deposito: Uno dei preferiti dai nuovi iscritti, permette di iniziare a giocare senza dover effettuare un deposito con i propri soldi. Wagering: Condizioni di giocata che talvolta sono più favorevoli rispetto ai siti AAMS, consentendo di soddisfare i requisiti di scommessa in modo più semplice. Cashback: Alcuni casinò non AAMS offrono un ritorno percentuale sulle perdite nette, in modo da garantire ai giocatori un piccolo rimborso. Software disponibile sui bookmaker non AAMS I siti non AAMS collaborano con alcuni dei migliori provider di software nel settore del gioco d’azzardo allo scopo di garantire un’esperienza fluida in ogni momento. Questi provider sono responsabili dello sviluppo di giochi equi, con funzionalità innovative e grafiche di alta qualità. Curacao I siti di scommesse con licenza rilasciata dalla giurisdizione di Curacao collaborano con alcuni dei più celebri provider di software della scena, tutto per offrire giochi godibili ed equi. NetEnt Betsoft Evolution Gaming Pragmatic Play Yggdrasil MGA Anche i siti regolati dalla Malta Gaming Authority (MGA) collaborano con fornitori di software leader del settore per assicurare che l’esperienza di gioco sia la migliore possibile. Microgaming Play’n GO Quickspin Thunderkick Evolution Gaming Le Nostre Conclusioni In conclusione, ci siamo convinti del fatto che i siti non AAMS rappresentano senza dubbio un’alternativa valida per chi cerca maggiore libertà, promozioni più generose e un elenco di giochi più fornito rispetto alle disponibilità dei casinò tradizionali. Anche se non regolamentati direttamente dall’AAMS, molti di questi siti operano con licenze riconosciute a livello internazionale che garantiscono inconfutabilmente un livello di sicurezza molto elevato. Tuttavia, ricordiamo che è fondamentale che i giocatori siano consapevoli dei possibili rischi che possono correre e che scelgano piattaforme con una buona reputazione e licenze affidabili come quelle di cui abbiamo parlato all’interno di questa stessa panoramica. Domande Frequenti (FAQ) È sicuro giocare all’interno di un sito non AAMS? Sì, i siti non AAMS che possiedono licenze internazionali come quelle di Curaçao o Malta offrono livelli di sicurezza paragonabili a quelli AAMS. Quali bonus posso ottenere sui siti non AAMS? I siti non AAMS offrono bonus senza deposito, giri gratuiti, cashback e promozioni personalizzate, solitamente in misura maggiore rispetto ai bookmaker AAMS. Posso prelevare le vincite dai siti non AAMS? Sì, i siti non AAMS permettono prelievi tramite carte di credito, portafogli elettronici come Neteller e PayPal, bonifici bancari, criptovalute e non solo. I siti non AAMS sono legali in Italia? Sì, i siti non AAMS sono legali per i giocatori italiani; tuttavia, essendo regolamentati da autorità internazionali, operano al di fuori del sistema di licenze italiano. Contact Details Berardo Bianchi +39 035 0445 9954 Company Website

September 20, 2024 04:09 AM Eastern Daylight Time

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Industry Update: 3 Exciting Precision Oncology Players to Watch Following Summit’s Meteoric Rise: Silexion, Nuvectis, Scorpian

Global Markets News

Summit Therapeutics (NASDAQ: SMMT) recently captured headlines with the release of its Phase 3 data for ivonescimab, a targeted NSCLC therapy that has generated substantial buzz. The results from its trial conducted in China showed a dramatic 49% reduction in the risk of disease progression or death compared to Merck’s Keytruda, signaling a potentially disruptive force in NSCLC treatment. However, the news wasn’t without its concerns—since the trial data originates from China, there are questions about its applicability to broader, global populations. As noted by BMO Capital Markets’ Evan Seigerman: “Results may or may not be generalizable beyond the China-focused patient population initially assessed.” Despite this, Summit’s valuation has risen by over 100%, now approximating $19 billion. With such a high valuation, the company could see limited room for further significant gains, leading many in the industry to explore other emerging opportunities in precision oncology. Alongside Summit, there are quite a few other players in the field. Some if these companies have even already shown promising initial results and could see similar success in the future if they were to report positive results. These emerging players are worth watching for those interested in following precision oncology drug candidates and pipelines. Among them are precision oncology innovators such as Silexion Therapeutics, Nuvectis Pharma, and Scorpion Therapeutics, which we discuss below. Silexion Therapeutics: Disrupting the KRAS-Driven Cancer Space Silexion Therapeutics (NASDAQ: SLXN) is another under-the-radar player in the precision oncology space, with a focus on KRAS-driven cancers—a notoriously difficult target in oncology. While current small-molecule KRAS inhibitors are making progress, they are often limited to specific mutations, such as KRAS G12C, which accounts for a small percentage of cancers. Silexion’s RNA interference (RNAi) approach offers a broader solution, targeting a wider spectrum of KRAS mutations, particularly in pancreatic cancer, one of the deadliest and most treatment-resistant cancers. At the heart of Silexion’s approach is its LODER™ platform, which delivers siRNA directly to the tumor site, silencing KRAS mutations at the genetic level. This localized delivery not only increases efficacy by concentrating the treatment in the tumor, but it also reduces systemic side effects. Silexion’s next-generation candidate, SIL-204, is an optimized siRNA formulation designed to target pan-KRAS G12x mutations, positioning it to treat a broader range of KRAS-driven cancers beyond pancreatic cancer, such as lung and colorectal cancers. In Phase 2 trials for locally advanced pancreatic cancer, Silexion's LODER™ platform showed a 9.3-month improvement in overall survival when combined with standard chemotherapy. Additionally, the objective response rate (ORR) increased from 20% with chemotherapy alone to 55% with the combination, and in some cases, tumors that were initially non-resectable became operable after treatment with LODER™. These results are especially encouraging given the limited options available for pancreatic cancer patients. SIL-204, is expected to enter Phase 2/3 clinical trials in 2025-2026. What makes Silexion particularly intriguing is its current market valuation. Valued at aproximatly just ~$9 million following its SPAC merger, the company’s valuation could be perceived as low when compared to some of its peers, especially given its innovative technology and promising clinical achievements. Some have wondered whether this low valuation has more to do with dynamics post-SPAC companies. If Silexion can report positive results in its later-stage trials, the company’s outlook could dramatically improve, reflecting the potential of its RNAi-based platform. Like NXP900, SIL-204 could potentially have vast applications across multiple KRAS-driven cancer types, making Silexion a company to watch closely as it advances through clinical development. Nuvectis Pharma: Targeting NSCLC and Beyond by Inhibiting SRC/YES1 Kinases Nuvectis Pharma (NASDAQ: NVCT) has been quietly making strides in the precision oncology sector, developing innovative therapies aimed at overcoming treatment resistance in hard-to-treat cancers. Its lead candidate, NXP900, targets NSCLC by inhibiting the SRC/YES1 kinases, which play critical roles in cancer cell survival and resistance to current therapies. This approach positions NXP900 as a potential game-changer in the treatment of NSCLC, particularly in patients who have developed resistance to EGFR and ALK inhibitors, such as AstraZeneca’s Tagrisso and Novartis’ Alecensa. NXP900 is still in the early stages of clinical development, currently undergoing Phase 1 trials. However, preclinical studies have already shown that it has strong anti-tumor activity in resistant NSCLC models. Even more promising is its potential application beyond NSCLC. Like Summit's ivonescimab, NXP900 focuses on resistance, but it also has broader applications due to its ability to target multiple cancer types driven by SRC/YES1 pathways. This versatility makes it a promising asset not just for NSCLC but also for other difficult-to-treat cancers like squamous cell carcinomas. In addition to NXP900, Nuvectis is advancing NXP800, another precision oncology candidate that is further along in the clinical development process. NXP800 is currently in Phase 1b trials, targeting ARID1a-mutated cancers such as ovarian and endometrial cancers. The early clinical data for NXP800 is promising, showing positive responses in patients with platinum-resistant ovarian cancer. With two strong candidates in the pipeline, Nuvectis is positioning itself as a formidable player in the precision oncology landscape. As Summit’s ivonescimab continues to gain attention, Nuvectis’ earlier-stage NXP900, with its NSCLC focus and beyond, could see similar success in the future if clinical results continue to trend positively. Scorpion Therapeutics: Pioneering Mutant-Selective Therapies Scorpion Therapeutics is redefining the frontier of precision oncology with its focus on delivering highly selective small molecules targeting validated and previously undruggable cancer mutations. Its lead candidate, STX-478, is a mutant-selective, allosteric PI3Kα inhibitor currently in Phase 1/2 trials for advanced solid tumors. Early data presented at the ESMO Congress 2024 highlighted its potential, with STX-478 demonstrating a 23% overall response rate in breast cancer and a 21% response rate across all tumor types, positioning it as a potentially best-in-class PI3Kα inhibitor. STX-478 is notable for its ability to spare wild-type PI3Kα activity in normal tissues, avoiding the toxicities seen with previous PI3Kα inhibitors, such as hyperglycemia and rash. Tumor reductions were seen in 72% of patients treated with STX-478 as a monotherapy, with circulating tumor DNA levels dropping in 86% of patients. This mutant-selective precision could help overcome the limitations of existing PI3Kα inhibitors, which have struggled with dose-limiting toxicities. In July 2024, Scorpion raised $150 million in a Series C financing round, co-led by Frazier Life Sciences and Lightspeed Venture Partners. The additional funding will support the advancement of STX-478 and other pipeline assets, positioning Scorpion for further clinical success. Scorpion’s pipeline includes a broad range of wholly-owned compounds that target both validated and novel cancer targets, positioning the company for future expansion into larger patient populations. As STX-478 progresses through clinical development, Scorpion is poised to become a significant player in the precision oncology space, making it another company worth watching closely. Optimistic Outlook for Precision Oncology The precision oncology space is experiencing a golden era of innovation, with companies like Summit Therapeutics, Nuvectis Pharma, Silexion Therapeutics, and Scorpion Therapeutics leading the charge. As the focus shifts towards targeted therapies that address resistance mechanisms, the market is increasingly favoring companies with novel approaches and broad applications. Summit’s meteoric rise has shown that there is tremendous potential for companies that can demonstrate efficacy in overcoming cancer resistance. While Summit has already captured much of the current attention, companies like Nuvectis, Silexion, and Scorpion, with their earlier-stage pipelines, offer exciting opportunities for the industry to keep a close eye on. As these companies continue to report clinical data and advance through trials, the potential for breakthroughs in treating some of the most difficult cancers grows stronger. With targeted therapies offering the possibility of overcoming resistance without the need for chemotherapy, the future of cancer treatment looks brighter than ever. For those in the oncology space, keeping a close eye on emerging players like Nuvectis, Silexion, and Scorpion could lead to transformative developments as the field of precision oncology continues to evolve. * * * This update may include speculative forward looking statements. Readers are cautioned that any such forward-looking statements are not guarantees of future performance and involve risks and uncertainties, and that actual results may differ materially from those in the forward-looking statements as a result of various factors. the BioTech and Pharma industries are volatile and risky and readers are advised to seek out preffesional advice in the relevent feilds from licensed profesionals. This update is for informational purposes only and is not intended to serve as financial, investment or any form of professional advice, recommendation or endorsement. Please review the full documentation detailing financial compensation disclosures and disclaimers the article is subject to. [ ]. Global Markets News Network is a commercial digital brand compensated to provide coverage of news and developments related to innovative companies as detailed in the full documentation and it is thus subject to conflicts of interest. Contact Details News Coverage

September 19, 2024 07:45 AM Eastern Daylight Time

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HTX DAO x TRON TOKEN2049 Afterparty: Leading the Next Decade of Web3 Ecosystem


September 18, Singapore - Today, HTX DAO and TRON, in collaboration with Alethea AI, Tour Billion, BitWave, ChainGPT, Google Cloud, and The Block, hosted an afterparty following TOKEN2049, one of the world’s most influential Web3 events. This highly anticipated crypto night brought together over 1,100 Web3 pioneers to discuss the future of the Web3 ecosystem, with TRON founder and Global Advisor of HTX, Justin Sun, and several industry leaders delivering addresses. The afterparty attracted prominent projects, investment institutions, and KOLs from the crypto space. Notable media partners were in attendance to cover the event, including Odaily, BlockBeats, Foresight News, TechFlow, MarsBit, Cointime, DeThings, PANews, Jinse Finance, ChainCatcher, MetaEra, BroadChain,, BeInCrypto, Blockopedia, and Monsterblockhk. As the keynote speaker, Justin Sun highlighted the achievements of HTX and TRON while outlining a twin-engine strategy for future development in his video address titled "A New Decade: TRON x HTX Lead the Globe Web3 Ecosystem." He emphasized that blockchain technology, once a nascent concept, has now become a transformative force in reshaping industries worldwide and lauded TRON and HTX for playing pivotal roles in this evolution. "TRON's journey began with an attempt at an in-depth exploration of the limitless possibilities of blockchain technology. We remained committed to the core values of openness, transparency, and decentralization. Furthermore, HTX, one of the most important partners of TRON, has made remarkable contributions to the growth of the blockchain industry since its inception. This year marked the 11th anniversary of HTX, showing its longevity in this industry, and that is truly an achievement to be proud of. HTX has remained at the forefront of the industry, owing to its commitment to longtermism, proactive compliance to changing regulations, and its unwavering focus on security and user experience,” Sun added. Looking ahead to Web3's next decade, Sun believes blockchain technology and products need to focus on real-world applications, which requires enhanced interactivity, diversified use cases, AI-driven solutions, strengthened network systems, and broader acceptance. The upcoming decade will also witness closer collaborations between TRON and HTX. The most recent collaboration between the two industry giants took place in August with SunPump. This meme coin issuance platform, launched on the robust TRON network and supported by HTX’s market resources, became a phenomenal Web3 application in just one month of its debut. SunPump boosted on-chain transaction volume, creating a positive feedback loop that benefitted both TRON and HTX. "Our ultimate goal is to build an all-encompassing Web3 ecosystem that integrates payments, investments, and social interactions," said Justin Sun. "We will focus on driving the growth of the TRON ecosystem, drawing in more high-quality DApps and projects and enhancing the collaboration between TRON and HTX. Meanwhile, we will also tap into HTX's global influence and extensive resources. By integrating TRON’s cutting-edge technology with HTX's market strength, we can expand the global reach of our products and services with greater efficiency." In addition to Justin Sun, the event is also attended by several distinguished guests from prominent projects and media, including Arif Khan, founder and CEO of Alethea AI, an AI infrastructure provider; Victor Yap, Regional Marketing Director for Asia Pacific at Tour Billion, a GameFi launchpad; Leo, co-founder of BitWave, a Bitcoin layer-2 solution; Sharon Sciammas, CMO of ChainGPT, an AI tool provider; and Larry Cermak, CEO of The Block, a crypto media outlet. They each delivered speeches, sharing their insights and future perspectives on the crypto industry. Their discussions covered a range of trending topics, such as, AI, DePIN, BTCFi, and GameFi. It is worth mentioning that the event also captivated attendees with energetic performances and a variety of thrilling prize draws. The evening’s lucky winners took home a range of remarkable rewards, such as, 11 cold wallets, 2.2 billion $HTX, 5 $ETH, $2,000 in $MASA, and 2 Formula 1 tickets. At TOKEN2049 in 2023, HTX marked its 10th anniversary with a rebranding, representing the first milestone in its journey into the next decade. Over the last year, HTX has achieved substantial growth, consistently leading the industry in terms of trading volume and liquidity, while regularly introducing innovative products and high-quality assets. According to CoinGecko data, HTX became the second-ranked exchange globally in early August, making steady progress toward its goal of securing a spot in the top three exchanges. Furthermore, the establishment of HTX DAO represents another milestone in HTX's efforts to build a decentralized ecosystem. To date, with the support of HTX, the liquidity pledges received by HTX DAO and the amount of $HTX repurchased and burned have reached a total of $51.5 million, effectively driving the growth of the decentralized community. This year, participants from the HTX ecosystem remain active at TOKEN2049. In addition to the Afterparty hosted by TRON and co-hosted by HTX DAO, Edward, the Managing Partner of HTX Ventures, HTX’s global investment arm, will participate in a discussion hosted by Google Cloud on the theme “AI and Web3: Building a Trusted Digital Future.” HTX's global brand building has achieved initial success and is set to expand further. As a pioneer in the crypto space, HTX has consistently spearheaded industry innovation and led the way in setting new trends over its 11-year history. Looking forward, HTX will continue to pursue its vision of achieving financial freedom for 8 billion people on earth. As Justin Sun stated, “With the joint efforts of HTX and TRON, we are confident that we can create a truly practical, convenient, and thriving Web3 ecosystem for users worldwide within the next decade.” About HTX Founded in 2013, HTX has evolved from a virtual asset exchange into a comprehensive ecosystem of blockchain businesses that span digital asset trading, financial derivatives, research, investments, incubation, and other businesses. As a world-leading gateway to Web3, HTX harbors global capabilities that enable it to provide users with safe and reliable services. Adhering to the growth strategy of "Global Expansion, Thriving Ecosystem, Wealth Effect, Security & Compliance," HTX is dedicated to providing quality services and values to virtual asset enthusiasts worldwide. Contact Details Ruder Finn Asia Company Website About HTX Founded in 2013, HTX has evolved over a decade from a simple cryptocurrency exchange to a comprehensive blockchain business ecosystem. This expansion covers a wide range of services including digital asset trading, financial derivatives, wallets, research, investments, incubation, and more. As a world-leading portal to Web 3.0, HTX is committed to a growth strategy focused on global expansion, ecological prosperity, wealth effect, and safety and compliance. This approach enables us to offer comprehensive, safe, and reliable services and value to virtual currency enthusiasts around the world, reinforcing our position as a global gateway to Web3. Contact Details Ruder Finn Asia Company Website

September 18, 2024 11:19 PM Eastern Daylight Time

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Bluepeak Reaches Major Milestone of 100,000 Customers


Bluepeak, a leading provider of high-speed fiber internet, has reached a significant milestone, surpassing 100,000 subscribers across the states of South Dakota, southwest Minnesota, Oklahoma, Wyoming and North Dakota. Bluepeak is dedicated to providing more high-speed, fiber internet choices to underserved areas, driven by principles of transparent pricing, honest communication, and local customer support. Since rebranding as Bluepeak in 2022, the company has rapidly expanded across the region, bringing high-speed fiber internet to areas that have long been overlooked. As part of its expansion efforts, early markets were chosen for their vibrant communities, strong partnerships, and a clear need for improved internet services. More than just numbers, this connectivity is creating new opportunities in education, healthcare, and business for residents. “We are incredibly proud to have reached this milestone. It reflects not just our growth, but the trust and support of our valued customers,” said Rich Fish, Bluepeak CEO. “This achievement underscores our commitment in providing a better choice in areas that have gone underserved for far too long. As we continue to expand and bring fiber to new markets, we remain steadfast in our mission to deliver exceptional services and enhanced connectivity.” Bluepeak’s dedication to delivering fast, reliable, and affordable fiber internet remains unwavering. Over the next year, the company plans to extend its reach to new communities, continuing to invest in market expansions with exciting announcements on the horizon, including new efforts in Texas. Residents across the Great Plains and Midwest interested in Bluepeak services can check for availability at About Bluepeak Bluepeak is a new kind of internet provider bringing fast, reliable, affordable internet to places that have needed better options for too long. The company has roots serving Great Plains and Midwest communities going back more than 30 years. As the need for internet in the region has evolved, so has Bluepeak, upgrading and expanding service in South Dakota, southwest Minnesota, Oklahoma, Wyoming, North Dakota, and soon-to-be Texas, with the newest cutting-edge technology. These expansion efforts include multi-million-dollar infrastructure projects, community involvement and growth through local hires. Bluepeak is earning the trust of customers and businesses through simple, affordable offerings, responsive, reliable customer service and transparent pricing. The company’s unique approach to delivering internet service has earned Bluepeak accolades for customer satisfaction, network performance, workplace culture and meaningful community partnerships. Visit to learn more. Contact Details Parnomi PR, on behalf of Bluepeak Angie Knight +1 574-208-9090 Company Website

September 18, 2024 09:00 AM Mountain Daylight Time

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Rezolve Ai Inks Three Key Partnerships, Expanding The Customer Base For Its AI-Powered Platform For E-Commerce Businesses


By Meg Flippin, Benzinga Just like many other industries, the potential of AI is helping transform e-commerce. Technology is helping make static pages, slow customer service and cumbersome checkouts a thing of the past. Customers today want smart recommendations, real-time help and speedy checkout. AI has the potential to give retailers and small businesses that recognize these needs a competitive edge over those that don’t. Conversational commerce – using messaging apps, chatbots, AI voice assistants and other technology to communicate with customers – is underpinning a new way of shopping. After all, by incorporating AI, speech recognition, natural language processing and machine learning, e-commerce merchants can offer a more personalized and engaging experience. Conversational commerce can boost sales, improve the user experience and provide support 24/7. Not surprisingly, the conversational commerce market is big and growing, projected to grow at a CAGR of 11% from now until 2028. Rezolve At The Forefront This more engaging approach to e-commerce is becoming a reality thanks to companies like Rezolve Ai (NASDAQ: RZLV), a U.K.-based AI-powered platform and mobile solution provider with its proprietary LLM serving e-commerce businesses. Rezolve Ai’s Brain enables online merchants to optimize their digital stores with a conversational AI-powered shopping interface and personalized product recommendations that get smarter each time a customer visits the website. The company’s real-time chatbots and Instant Checkout experience help e-commerce businesses close sales quickly in 95 languages. Rezolve Ai’s platform, which consists of Brain commerce, Brain checkout and Brain Assistant, seems to be gaining traction in the marketplace, with the company inking collaborations and boosting its pipeline. At last check, Rezolve Ai said more than 100 client discussions are ongoing, with the company targeting top merchants within e-commerce and retail. All told, Rezolve Ai thinks there is a $480 billion to $500 billion addressable market for it to go after. Momentum Building in Partnership Channel Its deal-making has been on display in recent days and weeks, with the company most recently inking a deal with Creative Dock, the corporate venture builder and digital innovator that counts l arge financial service and consumer companies, and leading telcos across Europe and the Middle East as customers. Under the deal, Creative Dock will bring Rezolve’s AI to its commerce customers, giving Rezolve access to Creative Dock’s customers located in 52 countries – making this possibly its most significant deal yet. "As pioneers in AI for commerce, we are thrilled to join forces with Creative Dock to redefine how businesses engage with their customers," said Daniel M Wagner, CEO and Chairman of Rezolve Ai, when announcing the deal. "Together, we will empower companies to fuel growth, unlock new digital opportunities, and elevate the customer experience." Rezolve Ai's "brainpowa" suite, including Brain Commerce, Brain Assistant and Brain Checkout, will be integrated with Creative Dock’s venture-building services to offer comprehensive AI-powered solutions for businesses of all sizes. Rezolve said the partnership represents a pivotal opportunity to drive digital innovation and transformation in the global commerce sector. Another big deal is its partnership with ePages, a provider of e-commerce software to retailers in Europe. ePages tapped Rezolve Ai to enhance the e-commerce experience for its small and medium-sized business customers. As part of the agreement, Rezolve Ai will provide its cutting-edge products, including Brain Assistant and Brain Commerce, to ePages’ extensive network of merchants, while ePages will utilize its marketing and promotion channels, such as the ePages App Store, to sell Rezolve Ai’s products to its existing and future merchant base. “This partnership represents a significant milestone in our mission to revolutionize the eCommerce industry,” said Daniel M. Wagner, CEO of Rezolve Ai, when announcing the collaboration in late August. “By combining ePages’ powerful eCommerce software with Rezolve’s cutting-edge AI technology, we are empowering businesses to provide personalized shopping experiences and real-time customer support. Together, we expect to redefine the way businesses engage with customers and drive sales.” Rezolve also just struck an alliance with OXID, a provider of e-commerce solutions to more than 2,000 tier 1 and tier 2 retailers based in Germany, Austria and Switzerland. OXID's key focus in the partnership is to introduce Brain Commerce to its client base. By integrating Rezolve Ai's Brain Suite solution, OXID aims to enhance customer engagement, increase conversion rates and elevate the overall e-commerce experience for its clients, Rezolve said. Making Inroads Into New Markets Then there’s Rezolve’s deal with SPH AG, a leading IT and consulting company focused on the fashion, sports, lifestyle and retail sectors. SPH will deploy Rezolve’s proprietary AI technologies across its customer base. In addition to offering tech consulting, SPH provides comprehensive support for retail companies undergoing digital transformation. By integrating strategic advice and process optimization with the implementation of innovative technologies, SPH aims to distinguish itself from other ERP providers. Rezolve intends to capitalize on that prowess. “We are thrilled to collaborate with SPH AG to bring our cutting-edge AI solutions to the fashion, sports, lifestyle and retail industries,” said Wagner. “Our partnership will enable companies to transform their operations and drive exponential growth in the digital age.” All these partnerships showcase how Rezolve intends to grow the business, aiming to achieve annual recurring revenue of $100 million by the end of 2025. Rezolve says that growth will be fuelled by strategic partnerships and an expanding roster of enterprise clients. eCommerce is going through a digital overhaul. Shoppers want a more engaging, personalized and convenient experience. Rezolve says its AI-powered e-commerce platform provides that. With growth on its mind, customers in the pipeline and partnerships in the works, Rezolve is proving that true. Featured photo by Shoper on Unsplash. Benzinga is a leading financial media and data provider, known for delivering accurate, timely, and actionable financial information to empower investors and traders. This post contains sponsored content. This content is for informational purposes only and is not intended to be investing advice. Contact Details Benzinga +1 877-440-9464 Company Website

September 18, 2024 08:30 AM Eastern Daylight Time

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I-ON Digital Corp. Announces Shareholder Update and Management Discussion

I-ON Digital Corp.

I-ON Digital Corp. (the “Company”) (OTC: IONI), a leading innovator in gold, precious metals, and RWA (real-world asset) digitization, tokenization and digital banking solutions, is pleased to announce the scheduling of a Shareholder Update and Management Discussion on Friday, September 20, 2024, at 5:00PM EDT (2:00PM PDT). The discussion will provide shareholders with an opportunity to hear directly from the Company's executive team about the 2023 and 2024 year-to-date financial results and as reported in the Company's recent filings with the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission (“SEC”) and further updates on the Company's strategic direction for the balance of 2024 and 2025. "We are looking forward to discussing the Company ’ s financial results and sharing our strategic vision with our shareholders," said Carlos X. Montoya, CEO of I-ON Digital Corp. "Our company has made significant progress in advancing our asset digitization and tokenization solutions, and we look forward to discussing our achievements and future plans with our valued shareholders." Shareholders are encouraged to review the Company ’ s Annual Report on Form 10-K for the year ended December 31, 2023, along with 2024 quarterly reports for the first and second quarters which are available on the SEC's website and on the company's investor relations page at To participate in the shareholder discussion, please follow this link About I-ON Digital Corp. I-ON Digital Corp. (OTC: IONI) is a leading innovator in gold, precious metals, and RWA (real-world asset) digitization, tokenization and digital banking solutions. Our services are engineered to provide a secure, fast, transparent, and institutional-grade ecosystem that digitizes documentary evidence of gold reserve ownership into secure, asset-backed digital securities. This process brings liquidity and accepted value to a wide array of asset classes. Additional information is available at Forward-Looking Statements This news release contains forward-looking statements involving risks and uncertainties, which may cause results to differ materially from the statements made. When used in this document, the words "may," "would," "could," "will," "intend," "look to," plan," "anticipate," "believe," "estimate," "expect," "seek," "potential," "outlook," and similar expressions are intended to identify forward-looking statements. Such statements, including, but not limited to, I-ON's current views with respect to future events and its financial forecasts, are subject to such risks and uncertainties. Many factors could cause actual results to differ materially from the statements made, including those risks described from time to time in filings made by I-ON with the Securities and Exchange Commission. In addition, there is uncertainty about the further spread of the COVID-19 virus or new variants thereof or the occurrence of another wave of cases and the impact it may have on the Company's operations, the demand for the Company's products, global supply chains, and economic activity in general. These and other risks and uncertainties are detailed in the Company's filings with the Securities and Exchange Commission. Should one or more of these risks or uncertainties materialize, or should assumptions underlying the forward-looking statements prove incorrect, actual results may vary materially from those described herein as intended, planned, anticipated, or expected. Statements in this news release regarding past trends or activities should not be taken as a representation that such trends or activities will continue. I-ON does not intend or assume any obligation to update these forward-looking statements other than as required by law. Contact Details I-ON Digital Corp. Investor Relations +1 866-440-2278 Company Website

September 18, 2024 08:00 AM Eastern Daylight Time

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Join Benchmark International's Exclusive Webinar "Seller Motivation: What Goes Into the Decision to Sell?"

Benchmark International

Are you considering selling your business? Deciding when and why to sell is one of the most significant decisions you’ll ever make as a business owner. While maximizing financial proceeds is often at the forefront of these decisions, it’s essential to recognize that it’s not the only factor. Life circumstances, time with family, and other qualitative considerations can often outweigh financial gain. To help you navigate this complex process, we invite you to join our upcoming webinar: Seller Motivation: What Goes Into The Decision To Sell? Space is filling up fast, so register today! Why You Should Register Selling a business is about more than just crunching the numbers. In this exclusive webinar, you’ll gain valuable insights into the full spectrum of motivations that drive business owners to sell. Understanding these motivations can help you make a well-rounded and informed decision about your business’s future. This webinar is a must-attend for business owners contemplating the sale of their business, particularly in today’s strong but disciplined market. By attending, you’ll be better equipped to evaluate both the financial and personal factors that play a crucial role in this life-changing decision. Whether you’re focused on securing a comfortable financial future or prioritizing time with loved ones, the information presented will help you weigh these considerations effectively. Spots are limited, so don’t miss this opportunity to secure your spot. What You’ll Learn This webinar offers actionable insights into the decision-making process for business owners. Here’s what you can expect to learn: The wide range of reasons why business owners choose to sell, beyond just financial incentives How personal life events, such as family needs and future aspirations, can influence your decision A look at the current M&A market and how buyers are approaching valuations How to balance personal and financial goals using the concept of indifference curves, which help weigh non-monetary values like time with family against financial returns By attending, you’ll gain the tools to make a decision that aligns with your long-term vision—both personally and financially. Spots Are Filling Fast – Register Now! If you’re ready to gain clarity on your motivations for selling and align your decision with both your personal and financial goals, this is the webinar for you. Don’t miss out—register now and take the first step toward making a well-informed, strategic decision about the future of your business. ABOUT BENCHMARK INTERNATIONAL: Benchmark International is a global M&A firm that provides business owners with creative, value-maximizing solutions for growing and exiting their businesses. Benchmark International has handled over $11 billion in transaction value across various industries from offices across the world. With decades of M&A experience, Benchmark International’s transaction teams have assisted business owners with achieving their objectives and ensuring the continued growth of their businesses. The firm has also been named the Investment Banking Firm of the Year by The M&A Advisor and the Global M&A Network as well as the #1 Sell-side Exclusive Privately-held M&A Advisor in the World by Pitchbook and Refinitiv's Global League Tables. Contact Details Brittney Zoeller +1 813-898-2350 Company Website

September 16, 2024 09:54 AM Eastern Daylight Time

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Moneytree Software Unveils Innovative Financial Planning Solution to Revolutionize Client-Advisor Relationships

Moneytree Software

Moneytree Software has launched a new, game-changing financial planning solution that empowers advisors to capitalize on changing investor expectations and grow their business. Recent research has shown that today’s clients care as much about their relationship with their advisors as they do about their portfolio performance. They value trust and understanding, and they want more consistent and personalized engagement. This is where the new Moneytree solution excels, according to Moneytree Software Managing Director Patrick Spencer. “Long-term success depends on all of us in this industry rethinking how we interact with clients and prospects,” Spencer said. “With this new solution, you have the tools you need to both cultivate more client relationships and develop deeper ones.” Moneytree developed the new cloud-based solution with a focus on the company’s foundational values of accuracy, comprehensiveness, and transparency. Furthermore, the modern interface and intuitive user experience enables advisors to plan with precision in a way that is more satisfying, more time-effective, and more scalable. “With the new Moneytree, you can focus less time on understanding and navigating your planning software and more time on building relationships that grow your business,” Spencer said. Features include: Both goal-based and cash-flow based planning modules to meet the needs of every client, regardless of where they are in their financial journey. Interactive, client-centric reporting tools that help turn insights into action. A wealth of specialized planning tools that save advisors time and money and help them cultivate deeper, more authoritative relationships by supporting retirement planning, income distribution, tax planning, and estate planning. The industry’s only transparent audit trail, which allows you to show highly engaged clients how you arrived at your answers. Advanced analytics that encourage client collaboration and drive better decision-making. In developing the solution, Moneytree spent countless hours on surveys, phone calls, emails, and pouring over market research. Product developers listened to what advisors like about various solutions, and equally importantly, what they found cumbersome. Already, Moneytree’s new solution is receiving rave reviews. “This is one of the best financial planning softwares I have seen, and I have been doing this since 1999,” said Greg Gilbert, CEO of Infinity Financial Services. The new Moneytree is currently available in the comprehensive “Elite” planning package, which replaces the previous Moneytree Plan software. Moneytree is continuing to support Plan, but will no longer sell it. A more streamlined, goals-based-only planning package called “Essential” will become available in early 2025. That product will replace what is currently Moneytree Advise. To learn more, visit About Moneytree Moneytree Software is an innovator in the development of financial planning technology to support the vital work of financial planners and advisors. The company focuses on empowering professionals with mathematically advanced tools that produce accurate, repeatable results, inspiring trust and confidence. For more than 40 years, Moneytree has delivered the strongest calculation engine in the financial planning and wealth management industry. Contact Details Vocatus Lisa Aldape Company Website

September 16, 2024 09:30 AM Eastern Daylight Time

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Benchmark International Releases 2024 Global Surface Computing Industry Report

Benchmark International

Benchmark International, a leader in the mergers and acquisition (M&A) industry, has published its latest Global Surface Computing Industry Report, offering in-depth insights into the current trends, growth drivers, and market outlook for the surface computing industry. The report presents a comprehensive analysis of this dynamic industry, which is gaining significant traction across sectors such as education, healthcare, automotive, and retail. Surface computing technologies, characterized by touch-sensitive interfaces, are transforming the way users interact with digital content, and this report sheds light on the advancements that are shaping its future. Key findings from the report include: Market Growth: The global surface computing market is expected to grow at a robust pace, driven by innovations in user interface technologies and increasing demand for more interactive and immersive digital experiences. Sector-specific Applications: Surface computing is witnessing rapid adoption in key industries such as education, where it enhances interactive learning environments, and in healthcare, improving patient engagement through more intuitive technology. Geographical Insights: The report details regional performance, highlighting North America's dominance in the surface computing market while also noting significant growth opportunities in Europe and Asia-Pacific. Ready to Make a Move? We’re Here to Guide You. The Surface Computing Industry Report is an essential resource for stakeholders looking to understand market dynamics, capitalize on emerging trends, and make informed business decisions in this rapidly expanding field. The report is now available on Benchmark International's website as part of the firm’s commitment to providing comprehensive market intelligence. To explore this report, visit For access to additional industry reports and detailed insights, visit Benchmark International’s Insights page. ABOUT BENCHMARK INTERNATIONAL: Benchmark International is a global M&A firm that provides business owners with creative, value-maximizing solutions for growing and exiting their businesses. Benchmark International has handled over $11 billion in transaction value across various industries from offices across the world. With decades of M&A experience, Benchmark International’s transaction teams have assisted business owners with achieving their objectives and ensuring the continued growth of their businesses. The firm has also been named the Investment Banking Firm of the Year by The M&A Advisor and the Global M&A Network as well as the #1 Sell-side Exclusive Privately-held M&A Advisor in the World by Pitchbook and Refinitiv's Global League Tables. Contact Details Brittney Zoeller +1 813-898-2350 Company Website

September 16, 2024 09:00 AM Eastern Daylight Time

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